Understanding progress; Last humans; OK Computer
Hey folks!
I'm going to try something new this week – mostly because there seems to be a lack of good articles around.
I'll be sharing one main article, and then a bullet list of other cool things to check out.
Let me know if you like it, or not of course.
Have a great week 🗓
📷 Look
📖 Read
Do we need a better understanding of 'progress'?
I'm sure I'm not alone in failing to see personal progress. It's easy to overlook what you achieve. What's even harder is realising progress over decades, if we always focus on the future. This article is firstly brilliant, and secondly takes a look at the field of "progress studies", where people are arguing that we should redefine the phrase because innovations these days are minor compared to centuries or many decades ago – just think, it wasn't that long ago we didn't have freezers 🤯
Other things to check out
📺 The Last Human – A Glimpse Into The Far Future [12 minutes]
📖 Radiohead's OK Computer at 25, an article looking back
🐦 A Twitter thread with "tools to help make difficult decisions"
A light one this week, see you all next time 👋🏻