I ran an internal session at work this week on “the art of decision making” and thought it might be worth to share one of my key points:
Dividing your decisions into ASAP (as soon as possible) and ALAP (as long as possible) should help you to create a prioritised list of what’s expect now, and what you can delay until later.
Even this simple technique can help clear the cloud of “I’ve got so much to do” and help manage expectations for everyone concerned.
p.s. 👋 I’m back after 2 weeks off for the first time in the history of this newsletter. It’s good to be writing again.
I’d love to know how often you would like to receive this newsletter. Maybe having a break isn’t so bad an idea? Do let me know, I’m happy to experiment.
📷 Look
📖 Read
❶ Spirit tech: A shortcut to enlightenment?
I promise you this isn’t a sci-fi post, but happening right now. There are companies selling devices that hook into your brainwaves and try to make you calmer and more spiritual; this article takes an ethical look over the future of mindfulness and technology. Would you trust this kind of tech? I’m not so sure.
❷ People aren’t meant to talk this much
If you’re anything like me, you have conversations with people on about 4 different platforms – WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, email…but should we actually be this accessible? This article looks head on at the fact that we’re living with platforms that promote the opposite of Dunbar’s number – the total amount of close relationships we can manage being around 150 – and what that means for our own sanity.
❸ The smartphone circa 2031
What will our devices look like in a decade? Much the same with better cameras, or wildly different using location based interactions at every opportunity? Analysing what we have now, and the tech on the horizon, this article dives right in with some predictions. I personally struggle to see the need for manufacturers to release new devices every 6 months, but maybe that’s just me.
Bonus round
Some wonderful pictures from the Global Photo Contest 2021
🎧 Listen
How to live a Stoic life
This podcast reevaluates what it means to be a Stoic in the 21st Century, how it can impact our decision making, and how we approach failure now compared to in the good ol’ days when the concept of Stoicism was originally created. A colleague of mine (hey Sam 👋) called me Stoic recently, and I didn’t really understand what it meant, but this podcast landed just in time as an explainer.
Listen to this podcast (1 hour)
Spotify – Apple Podcasts
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Have a great week,
Luis Ouriach
Founding member special shoutouts:
Kevin Fernandez (@kvnfz)
Karl Barker
George Sumpster