Happy Sunday everyone 👋
Listening to a podcast earlier I was stunned by a quote (I’m paraphrasing):
Ambition is seasonal
It’s true. You can’t be ambitious, inspired, creative, or productive 100% of the time. Perhaps it’s accepting that, like the seasons, this feeling comes and goes, it’s the focus and delivering when it does spring up that is the important part.
Have a great week,
📷 Look
📖 Read
❶ This irresistible revolution
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? I’d bet a lot of answers would be “reach for my phone.” This article is about the quiet but consistent takeover of our lives by digital. A quote in this article stands out: “we have our phones. Our phones have us”.
❷ What colour do you see?
This article is at its core about the differences we all have in perception, from colour to the ability to clearly visualise an object in our minds. Apparently not everyone can do this by the way. Remember that blue/black, white/gold dress viral thing a few years ago? Scientists didn’t know that this perceptual difference even existed until that moment. Thank god for the internet, huh?
❸ The diminishing returns of having good taste
Not long ago, people built entire identities on their ability to hoard information, mostly in a cool or hipster way. “The best organic Colombian coffee bean supplier? Here you go.” With information moving so fast and so freely now however, information’s longevity is reduced to days or weeks, rendering that all important “taste” almost null. Is everything the same now?
Bonus round
Music versus lyrics. Do they operate independently?
The worst year in history
New episode of my podcast Design & Whine is coming out today, where we talk about inspiration
🎧 Listen
The making of TikTok’s “sonic logo”
Firstly, this podcast episode introduced me to the idea that a sound could be called a logo. In this case, it’s that bloopybloop noise that you hear at the end of every single TikTok video aka the greatest marketing idea that’s ever happened. TikTok were the first social media company to do something like this, and its inbuilt virality paid off big time. This podcast talks to the creative team who made that 2 second audio clip, and they explain their process to get there.
Have a great week,