I have a bad habit of reading headlines of articles and assuming I’ve digested the entire piece, rather than actually consuming it.
This is called “relying on abstractions”. It gives us the illusion of knowledge gain, but just masks our perception of what we really know – very little.
It becomes even more important when we use this method of comprehension to navigate tough or important decisions. As you can imagine, shooting from the hip when something is on the line is a terrible way to make decisions. So with this in mind, maybe we can all try to consume less, but in more detail.
📷 Look
📖 Read
❶ The frustration with productivity culture
This will probably come as no surprise, but people are tired of being told to optimise every part of their lives in the pursuit of hyper productivity. How many of you have downloaded an app at some point to try and keep on top of your to do list? Maybe, just maybe, we don’t need to strive to optimal box checking on every single part of our lives, and maybe we can just let things take the time they need?
❷ The myth of the productive commute
Oh hey there, productivity, it’s been what…1 minute? It’s common for people working in cities to have 1+ hour commutes to the office, either smashed into someone’s armpit on the subway, or stop-starting in a traffic jam. Although this seems like a distant memory, it’s going to hit us hard again soon, and we should be questioning whether this time firstly should be spent this way, and secondly whether we can resist to encourage more of a “roll out of bed and open the laptop” type commute.
❸ The third revolution in warfare
An article about combat? I’m including this piece because of how warfare is becoming AI’s problem. Apparently, a hobbyist and build a miniature “slaughterbots” drone at home for under a thousand dollars. This is…quite concerning? And it’s our industry at the centre of it. We’ve gone from gunpowder, to nuclear weaponry, to digital means, and it’s only going to become more and more common.
Bonus round
An amazing stop-motion style video exploring Hong Kong’s high rise buildings
Lovely black and white photos of Morocco
🎧 Listen
Listening to the movies
This is something I ashamedly knew very little about, but trying to watch movies with poor vision is – as you can imagine – very difficult. This is where the audio description industry comes in. This podcast is a sweet story about a few friends who go to the movies together, one requires audio descriptions and the other happily describes every scene to his buddy live, adding in flair and his own personality to it all.
Listen to this podcast (23 minutes)
Spotify – Apple Podcasts
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Have a great week,
Luis Ouriach
Founding member special shoutouts:
Kevin Fernandez (@kvnfz)
Karl Barker
George Sumpster