Issue 300! It’s just a number, but thank you all for being with me for the ride.
I’ve been reading about “second order thinking”, which is effectively the process of anticipating the consequences of your decisions beyond the first impact.
For example, let’s say you delay the launch of your product update. The first order result is that your users don’t get to experience your shiny new work, but the second order is that your user base could lose trust in your ability to deliver. The third order is that you lose paying customers...ouch!
See how this has shifted from an inconvenient situation to a potentially disastrous one?
Annnnd that’s second order thinking. It’s what the smart kids are doing.
📷 Look
📖 Read
❶ The magic of momentum
94% of startups fail. This doesn’t cross our minds when we think about our big plans for world domination. This article is a great walkthrough of the power of momentum in anything we do, not just in the workplace. In order for something to become a habit or success, we need consistency and intention, otherwise it’s over before we’ve started.
❷ Facebook: the largest autocracy on earth
Regulating Facebook is not a new concept, but given that is has more users (Zuckerberg actually calls them “people”) than China and India combined, they are making their own currency, and when they go down no one can communicate, they are more than just a company. If we’re all bound by what is effectively one person’s rules, what is the difference between Facebook and the governance of a country?
❸ Saying no after saying yes
This is basically my life – saying yes to everything and being spread too thin. I’m sure you can all relate to this too, where you want to join every project but the reality is there are only so many hours in the day. This is particularly hard for “sensitive strivers” – I learned about this today too, don’t worry. This article is half deep dive into why we do it, and half advice for how we can back out of over commitment.
Bonus round
Some really great drone photography
🎧 Listen
Planning is guessing
I’ve been listening to this series recently whilst reading their book in a bit of a book club / podcast mashup. I think more authors should do it.
This episode is about how planning in the workplace is akin to guesswork, because there really is no way to plan what goes well or not. Do you think companies who had 12 month plans successfully navigated the past year? Hint: they did not.
Listen to this podcast (23 minutes)
Apple Podcasts – Spotify
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Have a great week,
Luis Ouriach
Founding member special shoutouts:
Kevin Fernandez (@kvnfz)
Karl Barker
George Sumpster