I presume like many of you, we’re currently going through a “feedback cycle” at work, where you give and are given feedback by your manager and a select number of co-workers.
It’s always hard to give feedback that actually helps someone, rather than just being “you’re doing great!”, because if you do have negative feedback it will always trickle back down to the source.
Something I’ve found useful when giving feedback is to follow a framework, and the ASK method is particularly cute.
It may sound lame, but making your feedback Actionable, Specific, and Kind can offer a nice comfort blanket when you want to be either positive or negative about a colleague.
Bonne chance!
📷 Look
📖 Read
❶ Who owns digital innovation?…Who cares?
It’s easy to assume that innovation lives in the hands of design or engineering, but ding ding ding guess what? We’re all in this together, and good ideas can come from anywhere. This article focuses on a few studies that took place to try and understand just where this mystical innovation lives, who’s responsible, and ultimately a few tips to try and create a more innovative culture in the workplace.
❷ Why is China smashing its tech industry?
Although I’ve seen it happening in front of my own eyes, I hadn’t actually considered this before – China is preventing the growth of huge tech corporations. Whether it’s preventing the opportunity for IPO, hitting them with privacy lawsuits, or just simply removing their products from app stores, there’s a big push for the dismantling of big tech. It’s fascinating because the West is doing practically the opposite.
❸ How to stop procrastinating
Procrastination is a bit of a joke, isn’t it. Everyone says they are terrible at it, but the problem persists. The reality is that we can do something about it, and this is a nice long read (wait, is reading about procrastinating the actual act itself?) about what it is, how to handle it, and get through that block. In case you were wondering, I scroll through Twitter to scratch that itch.
Bonus round
🎧 Listen
The East India Company, a history
A history podcast? You bet it is. And it’s worth every minute of your time. The East India Company had an absolutely incredible impact on Indonesia, India, and the entire region, all run from a tiny London office. It’s pretty gruesome and at times absolutely mad, but I highly recommending buckling up for this podcast and learning a bit about how the original Amazon was run.
Listen to this podcast (60 minutes)
Spotify – Apple
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Have a great week,
Luis Ouriach
Founding member special shoutouts:
Kevin Fernandez (@kvnfz)
Karl Barker
George Sumpster